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Ag Day on the Ag Quad

Every fall, the Chapter hosts an agriculture outreach event on the Ag Quad. We bring animals onto the Quad, have information about different types of agriculture, and serve food to raise money for Tompkins Co. 4-H.

House Awards Banquet

At the end of the Spring Semester the House hosts an Awards banquet for actives, alumni, and other friends of the House. House Awards recipients are recognized as well as other Chapter members who went above and beyond in their service to Alpha Zeta in the previous year.


Faculty Wine and Cheese

Each semester the Chronicler organizes a Faculty Wine & Cheese event at the House. Members invite professors, graduate students, and other faculty to socialize and network.


Philanthropy is an integral part of the Alpha Zeta experience, especially at Cornell. The members of the fraternity not only participate in service activities as a chapter, but also give back to their communities individually through various outreach and volunteer opportunities. Some philanthropic events we have participated in or organized are: Blood Drive with American Red Cross, Relay For Life, Adopt-A, Judy's Day, Halloween at Southside, Adopt-a-Soldier letter writing, and more. Agriculture remains the focus of philanthropy activities that members undertake individually, with many volunteering for veterinary clinics, animal rescue centers, and local 4-H centers.


© 2023 Cornell Chapter of Alpha Zeta Fraternity. This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

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